Relationships Instead of One Night Stands

CRM takes customers on journeys, and so we set out on our own journey to showcase the latest in modern marketing. The Christmas Roadshow was brought to four cities in Germany by trbo, optilyz, Gpredictive and us at CrossEngage.

At our first stop in Berlin, we heard from Senior Growth Hacker Gábor Cseh from the freelance talent innovator Twago. Twago provides a sophisticated talent acquisition solution for freelancers worldwide. They explained how they integrate the CrossEngage CDP into their tech stack, and how it’s used for sophisticated marketing.

Twago’s presentation goes in-depth on how the CrossEngage CDP is used to bring employers and talent together as efficiently as possible. A given example is that reminder emails can be sent out if candidates have not sent in an application 90 minutes after viewing a suitable job offer that meets certain criteria – this activation campaign has seen a CTR of almost 70%.