Unfulfilled Desires

Cart abandonment is a particularly digital phenomenon. While physical shopping carts full of unpurchased items are rarely abandoned by shoppers who’ve changed their minds, digital shopping carts are very frequently filled and then left.

The ratio of abandoned carts to completed transactions is staggeringly high: of carts with items added into them, 75.6% were abandoned in 2018. 

Personalized Reminders

The right marketing technology combined with the right strategy can save those sales. A customer data platform (CDP) gathers customer data from every available source. That includes real-time behavioral data, such as whether a customer has abandoned their cart. The data is made instantly available to other solutions, including customer messaging solutions, which can act upon the data instantly. That enables marketers to set up automated messaging that responds to cart abandonment in real-time.

Depending on marketer strategy, customers who have abandoned their carts can be sent exit-intent browser notifications, emails reminding them of the items they haven’t bought, cards in the post containing vouchers and more.

Increased Sales

Increased sales due to less abandoned cart

Retailers using CrossEngage have seen increased sales when running abandoned cart campaigns. 

A home accessory retailer has seen a 71.09% increase in purchases over a four month period, a food industry retailer has seen a 170.43% increase over a five month period.